The 2 Modes Of Expressing Yourself – Which Mode Do You Use Most?
We find that there is 2 ways of looking at any situation we may find ourselves in. For instance you may have heard the saying…
“Is the glass half empty or is the glass still half full?”
These 2 ways of expression may well refer to the same situation, yet if we examine them both - we will see that they actually divide the world around us into light or darkness, into positive or negative, into plus or minus.
Now which of the 2 modes do you use most when you are thinking everyday?
Your mode of thinking leads to attracting those very things into your life. If your goal is to make more money and spend less time working, then you are going to have to focus on thinking about success, and not fearing it.
If your thinking is all dark and negative… if you always fear failure, then you will most definitely fail. Even to run away from your given circumstances will do you no good. You see your circumstances will only follow you wherever you go.
This is because your environment and present circumstances cannot change for you until your mind and heart does!
You cannot become unhappy if there is no doubt or negativity in your mind, to make you unhappy…
Researchers state that the average person thinks about 70,000 thoughts each and every day. Now just imagine the potential of your thoughts if only a fraction were backed up by positive modes of thought and creative action.
Unfortunately for most men and women, virtually all of these thoughts are the same ones that the individual has always thought about over a long period of time.
In addition, the great majority of these thoughts are negative by nature, which in turn creates a current negative present time in your life…
A good example of this is that most people do not believe that wealth and prosperity is a lifestyle choice which is fully within their own control…
Many people hold the belief that the only way they will ever get rich is by robbing a bank, breaking the law or by winning the lottery etc…
Other people’s skepticism can also be just enough to kill your desire - to pursue what may have otherwise been a fantastic opportunity for you.
Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well, and nothing that is worth doing well can be done without positive effort!
Still though, many people work themselves to the bone instead of spending more time with their creative thought because they are ruled by fear and by pressure to “make something of themselves” that society expects of them.
How many of your 70,000 daily thoughts are spend on worry and fear as opposed to the creative and positive process?
Don't let fear and worry rule over your life anymore. Use your mind power to attract every positive thing in life which you could ever hope for or desire.
Go for your dreams and ignore anything else but your creative-positive mind.
Try to never take what negative-people say to you seriously… as it is sure to discourage you from your efforts - but this is only if you let it do so!
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