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Friday, 29 July 2011

When Doesn’t the Law of Attraction Work?

As you will have gathered from previous sections, the law of attraction
does not always work the way that all parties involved would like it to. Why is
that? After all, if the law of attraction is universal, why does it only work part of
the time?
The answer to that is found in the minds of the people who are
attempting to use it to their own benefit. The only thing standing between you
and success is yourself; this was discussed earlier. If the mind is clogged with
so much negative energy that it cannot release the positive vibes which will
attract the positive energies of the universe, the law of attraction will not be
able to help them. They must first rid themselves of all of these negative vibes
and start fresh.
Common Mistakes
As with any skill it takes time, effort and devotion to truly master the
use of the law of attraction in your life. There are a number of factors which
can cause the law to behave in ways which you may not have expected,
almost all of which fall back on the user’s ability to follow the guidelines
required to find success with this fabulous new tool.
Fortunately, the mistakes which are made with regards to the use of
the law of attraction are as universal as it is, and therefore very easy to
identify and correct.
Five Common Mistakes
1) Believing that positive thinking is enough to attract what you want
Positive thinking occurs only on the conscious level; this is why
positive thinking is not enough to put into effect the law of attraction. It
is necessary for belief to enter the subconscious as well.
The mind is always operating on two levels, the subconscious and the
conscious. The conscious mind is being given hundreds of tidbits of
information at any given time from all five senses. This is an incredible
amount of information to process, even from such an advanced tool as
the human brain. The mind would slowly go crazy if it had to deal with
all of that information all of the time.
Instead, the mind developed the conscious mind, which serves as a
filter to review the information sent to it by the senses and retain
anything that it deems important. Anything that it does not deem
important is passed along to the subconscious. It is the subconscious
which will retain this information, acting as the guardian of repressed
memories until such time as those memories are needed again.
It has long been held that the subconscious has a direct effect on the
actions and beliefs of the conscious mind, a topic which will be
discussed in greater detail a bit later on, but for now it is sufficient to
say that if the conscious mind is attempting to think positive thoughts
while the subconscious retains a negative energy the two will cancel
each other out, and the desired effect will not be achieved.
2) Becoming impatient
The universe works at its own speed; remember, every action carries
with it an equal and opposite reaction. It is essential that the other
environmental conditions be right in order for an event to occur just as
it should.
This means that the law of attraction may
take weeks, months or even years to effect
a fruitful reaction to the desires of a single
individual. People of today’s society are
spoiled; they want what they want and they
want it now. A new theory that does not
produce instant results is not going to be
received with a great deal of favor.
In addition to that, disbelieving in the law of
attraction because it does not meet your
established timetables (after all, it never says precisely when all of
these wonderful rewards will be reaped, only that they will) is a direct
violation of the guidelines required to see positive results in and of
itself. You were merely testing the law in order to see if it will produce
results; if you were confident in its ability to effect the desired results
you would be content to sit and wait, knowing that what you want most
will come to you in time.
On the other hand, the fact that you are not indicates that you do not
have confidence in its ability to bring about the desired results. This
means that somewhere in your being is a small kernel of negative
energy, sufficient to throw a monkey wrench into the whole process of
positive attraction. Remember, if you are vibrating negative energy you
will attract negative energy back onto yourself.
3) Determining ahead of time how and when you will attract what you
Let the universe work! It is possible to become so focused on what you
think is going to happen that you manage to totally miss the event
when it occurs if it does not occur in precisely the manner you pictured
it would.
As we said before, the universe will choose its own time and place for
all things to occur, and these events may take place through rather
unusual means. By predetermining exactly how you will receive the
rewards which you are seeking, you are taking away the choice from
the hands of nature, which direct the ebb and flow of the energies of
life, and setting yourself up for a hard fall.
By taking the ability to choose upon yourself you are essentially saying
that you do not have faith in the ability of the law of attraction to effect
the desired results in time; again, by setting your own timeline for
events to occur you will eventually come to disbelieve in the law of
attraction (after all, it didn’t do what it was supposed to, did it?), which
will cause your subconscious to radiate the negative energy which will
drive the positive energy away.
4) Allowing your emotions to be led by external evidence
In order to reap the full benefits of the law of attraction you need to
believe that what you see now is a result of what you have been
attracting to this point; again, it is essential that you realize that what
has occurred in your life to this date and what will happen later on is
determined by you. Whatever successes or failures you have
experienced have been the result of the energies that your mind and
body have released out into the universe.
It is very easy to look at the events of your life and think, “I certainly
didn’t want that to happen; the law of attraction must be untrue
because I would never wish for something so awful.” What you have to
realize is that it is not always what your conscious mind wishes for that
influences what your subconscious mind is projecting.
Which leads us to the fifth most common mistake
5) Not removing limiting beliefs
There are many occasions in which people fall into a self defeating
cycle because they are unable to control the thoughts and attitudes of
their subconscious. A common argument against the law of attraction
is, “Why is there so much suffering in the world if people have the
ability to determine the events of their life?” No, these people have not
chosen a life of starvation and servitude; however, due to their history
many of them do not truly believe that they have any choice.
This disbelief in their ability to change their circumstances because “it
is the way that it’s always been” means that they will continue to live
this way. Their subconscious continues to project that disbelief and
negative energy out into the universe, drawing back negative energy
which will cause them to continue to live in this self destructive cycle of
It is those who have dared to dream, and believe in the possibilities
presented by these dreams, who have effected the greatest changes in
the world. Do you think that if the colonists had really believed that they
would never be free of the British they would have been able to win the
revolutionary war? If Henry Ford had not truly believed that man could
ride in a car, do you think that the Model T could have been invented?
If women really believed that they were destined to live the rest of their
life under the thumb of their fathers and husbands, with no say in the
lives they would lead, that women’s liberation would have occurred?
The removal of limiting beliefs such as these is absolutely vital to the
ability of the law of attraction to work as it is intended to. If you truly
feel that the law of attraction is not working for you, take a moment to
consider the things that you are wishing for. Do you truly believe that
these events can take place, or are you merely making idle wishes?
Do you secretly believe that you have a “one in a million” chance of
any of those things actually taking place for one thing or another?
In order to project the positive vibes which are necessary to draw the
energies of the universe to you it is essential that you be one hundred
percent confident in your ability to effect a change and willing to
believe that all of the events occurring up to that point have been a
necessary prerequisite to bringing these events to be.

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