We would like to talk about putting all your mind powers into place and also how to put them to the best use...
Now you have learnt - that the attitude of your mind rests upon what you think.
And that the real secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon your power to think.
But what is the best was to start putting all your mind powers into place?
The answer is simply this "With A Little Effort"
Effort is the only effective way to draw forth the unlimited potential given to each and everyone of us.
Its only through making efforts, we can claim this endless potential which is already out there waiting for each and every one of us...
We must begin at once to make an “effort” in believing that we can really, attain, achieve and acquire what ever it is we want in our life.
You see most of the time, people who are successful - only become successful at what they do after trying many times and never giving up.
All Great People Have The 3 Keys
1. Know Just What They Want = Belief
2. Want It Hard Enough = Desire
3. Are Determined To Get It = Will
It is these 3 things, and these 3 things only that separate the men and women of strong purpose determination and desire from the rest of us, who merely “wish for things”.
When you believe something is impossible and cannot be done, your mind goes to work for you to prove why.
However - when you really believe something can be done, your mind goes to work for you and helps you to find the ways to do it.
“Creative Imagination” is not a function reserved only for artists, poets, or inventors; you also have a very powerful imagination within you, and can use this great gift any time you like...
It’s imagination that brings your desires to life, allowing you to picture them as already real in your minds eye.
We always act, feel and perform in accordance with what we believe and imagine to be true about ourselves, others and also our environment.
You have to feel what it would be like when your desire is fulfilled, or your need met...
Every time that you have a need or want - and that desire is met, a certain feeling is produced within you.
You need to create this same feeling when you state your desires.
In other words, you need to feel with every fiber of your body and mind that what you desire has already happened.
Without This Feeling, Your Desires Are Powerless...
Like Napoleon Hill said, “You need a Definite Chief Aim. Decide where you are going – then, and only then do you begin to see the signposts that point the way”
With your desire brought to life by using a strong imagination and a Definite Chief Aim its time to make an “effort” towards your will power.
It’s not enough to “know what you want” and “want it hard enough” - you must also be “determined to get it” and call into action the persistent determination of your will power.
Now with your will power set firmly in place, all that’s left is to take Action...
Remember the Natural law that if we do nothing, nothing will happen - if we take minimum action, then our results are also going to be minimal.
But if we take massive action, then we will be rewarded with massive results...
And that’s what you must do; take action each and every day towards your goals, ambitions and desires, no matter how small the action may be, as long as it is action taken.
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