Everything Comes Back
There is a spiritual law which says that everything we send out comes back to us
sooner or later — be it positive or negative. When we send out positive, selfless
thoughts, they will not only have an effect on the receiver but will also return to
us, to the sender, and bring about positive results in us. If we then think the same
or similar thoughts, they in turn will be intensified in us and the positive field of
energy continues to build itself up. For: Like attracts like or similar things attract
each other — we receive what we have sent out — and a mutual and bigger energy
complex develops. In the end, we get back more than we have sent out — because,
in addition, the energies sent out communicate with corresponding thought forms
and energy fields. Jesus of Nazareth expressed this in the words: "Seek first the
Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you
as well." The one who gives selflessly obtains all that he needs and more.
If a person sends out negative thoughts, they will also become active in him; they
intensify the corresponding negative energy fields in him. And so what we send
out is a part of us; it intensifies what we already have in us as correspondences.
Since we are the originators of the thoughts, we are also responsible for them.
And so every thought strives to bring about in us what we have sent out. Thus,
every thought is a cause that strives to become effective in us. We have
preprogramd ourselves through our thoughts. Therefore, the name the law of
cause and effect is used. It is also called the law of sowing and reaping: Every
thought is a seed which already bears the latent corresponding fruit within itself.
When we think and live in a positive way, that is, selflessly, the fruit will also be
positive and constructive. Harmony, contentment, happiness, joy and gratitude
come into us; we are healthy within and without.
But when we live and think in a negative, egoistic way, the fruits will also
correspond to this. We are not accepted by our neighbors — because we do not
accept them; we are lonely — because it is we who cut ourselves off; we are met
with rejection — because we judge and demean and much more. Finally we
become ill or we are struck by a blow of fate.
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