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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Healing through Positive Thinking and Living

Just as a negative way of thinking and living influences the body accordingly and
makes it ill, so can, conversely, a positive way of thinking and living soothe, heal
and bring about health. When we think positively, selflessly, that is, divinely, we
thus communicate with the divine powers and, as a result, intensified divine
energies can flow, via the nucleus, into the soul and finally into the body. A
positive way of thinking and living is the key to inner and outer health.
1. Self-recognition as a Prerequisite for
It is certainly good to help a weakened and ill body with medical aid for
example, through natural remedies so that the weakened healing mechanisms
are reactivated and the body supported. But in order to achieve true, far-reaching
and lasting healing, the causes of falling ill the inner causes have to be
expiated. All healing comes from within which Paracelsus already knew.
This presupposes that the ill person wants to recognize and discard the wrong
behavior underlying his illness. Every illness and every physical indisposition
want to tell us something. The physical complaints, signs and symptoms are hints
towards the root, towards the negative energy complex which hinders the
unobstructed flowing of the spiritual powers in the organism. In this way, a
physical illness can be of valuable help in tracking down the root of what is
opposing harmony within us and thus restricting the effectiveness of the ether

"Self-recognition is the first step towards self-improvement", so goes a common
saying. This holds true in the ethical sense and, later on, health wise too.
2. Repentance and Forgiveness
When the negative causes that have led to illness have been recognized and the
wrong behavior tracked down, it is then necessary to eliminate them or transform
them. If we honestly want that, because we are sorry for what we have done not
in the first place because we want to get well we will then feel repentance
within us and will resolve to change this wrong behavior and not do it anymore.
Then it is good to consistently put the corresponding positive aspects into
practice. If the cause was, for instance, fear, we should consciously counter the
point where we had fear with trust.
In most cases the negative thoughts, which have finally led to illness, have also
been directed towards others. The thought complex, the self-acting entity, went to
visit our neighbor and wanted to influence him negatively or to draw off his
energy, for example, through an attitude of expectation. This means that we have
built up a guilt and as long as it is not dissolved, we are bound to our neighbor.
When, as a result of our own negative thinking and behavior, our neighbor’s
negative thinking was intensified and because of that he set his own negative
causes, for example, if in a fit of rage, he treated another fellow man aggressively,
we bear a part of the guilt which our neighbor built up through his behavior.
In order to pay off this soul burden, we must then ask for forgiveness and in
case the other one was negatively disposed towards us forgive him. When we
have thought and lived in a negative way, that is, against selfless love, we have
also acted against God, because He is the selfless love. And because we have
violated the divine law of life, we should also ask Him to forgive us and then
actualize the words of Jesus, "Go forth and sin no more!"
If we had a dispute or were even involved in an act of violence with one of our
fellow men, we should ask our neighbor directly for forgiveness and make
amends for what we have caused as far as it is possible. If there were "only"
negative thoughts and sensations, we should clear them up within us, that is, we
should not go to our neighbor and express it directly; we should rather do this
through Christ, that is, ask, through Him, the soul of our neighbor to forgive us.
Therefore, we should not address our neighbor directly, but should ask Christ to
guide everything in the way that it is good, because we are sorry for our wrong
behavior and do not want to do it anymore. Then we can radiate positive
thoughts, thoughts of peace and goodwill, towards our neighbor.
If we forgive and ask for forgiveness, God can also forgive us.
3. The Inner Physician and Healer - Christ
God wants us to be well, powerful, dynamic, free we, ourselves, cause the
opposite through our negative thinking. He is also the healing power within us,
the liberating Spirit, who wants to give us relief and healing. Persons skilled in
healing, such as Paracelsus or Hildegard von Bingen, knew about the so-called
Inner Physician and Healer, just as mankind knows it through God’s revelations
given anew today in Universal Life. It is the Spirit of Christ in us, the redeeming
light that is effective particularly in the fourth consciousness center, the
We can place all the negativities we have recognized into this redeeming and
healing light in us and, at the same time, ask Christ to transform it. We can also
hand over to Him the physical pains and complaints and trustingly submit our
inner wish for relief and healing.
He, the Inner Physician and Healer, wants to become active within us. But we
have to let Him become active! This means for us, first to recognize our wrong
behavior and then to give it up with His power and to align with Him through a
correspondingly positive way of thinking and living. Then the power of Christ in
us can become increasingly effective soothing and healing.
We should, however, be constantly aware that the inner healing precedes the
external healing, this means the elimination of the spiritual cause, of the negative
thinking. A mere treatment of symptoms can never result in a true and lasting
4. Positive Thinking
4.1 The Meaning of Illness
Just as a negative way of thinking and living has made us ill, a positive way of
thinking can lead us to being healed. We have already mentioned the first positive
steps towards being healed: self-recognition, repentance, forgiveness and making
amends, that is, the clearing up, with the Christ-power, of the causes which made
us ill. This presupposes, of course, the acceptance of the illness and the admission
that we, ourselves, are responsible for it nothing and no one else is to blame for
A further step would be the recognition that the illness has a meaning, that it
basically is a grace. On the one hand, through the illness we have the opportunity
to recognize and overcome a wrong behavior that is within us and, by so doing,
the spiritual powers in us intensify. On the other hand, the soul burden, which has
built itself up in the past possibly in a former life flows out in the form of
illness. It is a grace, because this will no longer be possible in the soul-realms,
after the soul has discarded its physical body. Here on earth, via the physical
garment, the body, many burdens of the soul can be reduced for example, in the
form of an illness.
When we recognize the meaning and the chance of the illness and have thus
accepted it, then thankfulness can rise within us. Thankfulness is a great, positive
power. It can effect a great deal particularly in illness and suffering. Despite
pain and misery, when we are full of thankfulness and trust, much can be taken
away from us. These are positive, constructive and thus soothing and healing
energies. The one who is thankful and loving in suffering possesses true greatness
and is close to salvation.
4.2 Consciousness Aids
Another way to build up a positive energy field is to consciously program oneself
with positive thoughts with so-called consciousness aids. These also are
positive words which we speak into ourselves frequently. They have a soothing
and healing effect, because they address and build up the positive, the health,
within us.
Examples of consciousness aids are:
"I am healthy."
The divine cosmic power flows through me and nourishes all cells, all
"Every cell radiates in the light of the Spirit in me."
"I affirm health and strength within me."
"The healing power of Christ is within me. It flows in each cell of my body."
"The Inner Physician and Healer is effective and radiates within me."
It is very important here to have trust, the trust that everything which comes to us
is good and right for us and that the healing power in us is effective, even when
we do not feel physical improvement immediately.
4.3 Healing Prayer and Healing Meditation
Healing prayer and healing meditation are certainly more intensively effective
than consciousness aids. Turning trustingly towards the eternal Father, the child
of God asks Him for His healing powers. The request, the gratitude, the trust flow
from our heart to God and man opens himself for the healing powers that He is
always ready to give.
The more positive thinking becomes a part of our daily life, the more our daily
life becomes a prayer, the more our healing prayers can also become effective.
The healing meditation has a somewhat deeper effect than the healing prayer. It
addresses still more intensively the positive powers within us and intensifies
them. A healing meditation could be as follows:
We sit on a chair in an upright position. We put both feet next to each other on
the floor and place the backs of our hands on our thighs. Through this meditative
position, the spiritual powers can flow better. Breathing in and out deeply, we
relax. We free ourselves from all negative thoughts and sensations by placing
them in the Christ-center. Once we have become quiet within and no more
negative thoughts preoccupy us, we will direct the following meditative thoughts
to our innermost being, to the Christ-center:
My soul, awaken from the sleep of this world and listen to the life flowing
within me.
Lord, you are the source within me.
Your light invigorates me.
Your light strengthens me.
Your light nourishes and revives me.
I feel free.
I feel filled with light.
I affirm health and strength within me.
I affirm them with my whole heart and with all my powers.
Healing Throught the Power of Positive Thinking (23 of 27) [5/13/1999 10:04:18 PM]
I affirm the Inner Light in all cells, organs, glands and hormones.
I affirm it in my nervous system.
Quietness and peace are entering me.
Harmony and love are strengthening me.
The Inner Light is healing me.
I am open for the medicine of the Inner Physician and Healer.
I am receiving the soothing and healing powers from the eternal source.
The light of Christ is healing me - according to His will ..."
Then we breathe again deeply in and out, move our body, yet remain linked with
the inner power. When we open ourselves daily for the Christ-power within us by
means of such a healing meditation, the divine healing powers in us will begin to
flow more intensively.
It is important that we entrust ourselves completely to the will of God during the
healing prayer as well as during the healing meditation: He alone knows what is
good for us.
4.4 His Will Be Done
God looks first at the well-being of the soul. First, the corresponding burdens
have to be erased, the negative causes and energy complexes have to be
transformed into positive powers. Only then can true physical healing take place.
This means that we may indeed hope for relief and healing of the body, but we
should not harbor an attitude of expectation. As human beings, we do not fathom
what is good for our inner evolution. For instance, it could be that the soul is
heavily burdened. And it could also be that the illness has to be borne, as this is
good for the maturation, purification and illumination of the soul.*
When this suffering is then allowed and trustingly accepted, in that we do not
complain about it, but see its meaning, then God can give us more and more
relief. God knows what is really good for us and so we should give over
everything to His will, trusting that He will give us relief and healing at the right
God considers first the well-being of the soul, that is, the inner healing. The more
the soul frees itself from the burdens that man has loaded onto it, as a result of his
negative thinking and living, the more intensively can the increased inflowing
spirit powers also supply the physical body with spiritual energy. Thus, the body
can gradually recuperate, because then the individual cells and organs are
invigorated with God’s spirit power, with the nourishing and maintaining divine

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