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Friday, 29 July 2011

How Can I Use the Law of Attraction?

This is an excellent (and very important) question. After all, it doesn’t do
you much good to know what the law of attraction is if you do not know how to
use it to achieve success in your own life. Once you have mastered the basics of
the law of attraction you will be able to apply it to any area in your life.
1) The first step in finding success through the law of attraction is to accept
responsibility for the things that have occurred in your life, both good and
bad. This is often the most difficult part of achieving success through
manifestation because we are taught from childhood to believe that our
environment contributes in a large part to the circumstances in which we
find ourselves. It’s very hard to take the responsibility and acknowledge
the fact that your environment was not the major contributing factor in
each of these events; in many cases you will have no one to blame but
In order to help yourself move past these events take a moment and write
down on a piece of paper all of the major events in your life (again, both
good and bad). Leave plenty of room underneath each one. Now, take a
moment to go back and review these events. Write down what you were
feeling at the time they happened, how you felt before they happened and
what events had occurred prior to this. Chances are you are going to find
that events occurring in your favor occurred at times when you were
possessed of a positive attitude and other things in your life were going
right. On the flip side, events which occurred probably happened
concurrently with other events in your life which caused you to have a
negative outlook on life. Coincidence?
2) Once you have accepted the fact that you are responsible for your own
fate it is time to go one step further and determine what it is about your life
that you would like to change. Do you want to find another job? Move to a
new house? Enter into a meaningful relationship? Receive a promotion?
Identify the things you wish to achieve and write them down. Display them
in a prominent place; constantly being able to view the anticipated results
of your endeavors will help to keep you on the right track. In essence, with
the creation of this list you are asking the universe for what you want.
Take the time to think on this for a while so that it is embedded firmly in
your mind, and keep your goals specific; making a goal too big or too
general is an almost certain guarantee that you will not be able to achieve
it because you will be too busy worrying about how you are going to
achieve it.
3) Raise your vibrations so that they are all positive. Act and feel as though
you are confident that the end result you are hoping for is going to occur.
This is an essential part of the law of attraction because it is
very easy to allow your mind to begin to wander to all of the
difficulties which you may encounter when trying to achieve
your goals. This will cause your vibrations to become negative
and will work against you rather than for you.
4) Accept that it can happen. Many times your subconscious is your own
stumbling block; you will be attempting to convince your conscious mind
that something can happen while at the same time your subconscious is
picking out the reasons that it will never work. In order to help yourself
overcome this stumbling block and have absolute faith in the fact that you
will be able to effect this change in your life you should look again at the
sheet of paper upon which you have written your goals and attempt to
write them in terms that will help your mind and body accept them as fact.
It is recommended that you write these statements in the third person
rather than the first; it is often difficult for the mind to accept something as
fact when it is couched in such relative terms as I, me or my. For example,
if you are attempting to find a new job you could say, “Millions of people
every year work in jobs which make them happy.” If you are seeking to
enter a meaningful relationship you could say, “Millions of people around
the globe have found their soul mate and are now happily settled in
comfortable, established relationships”.
The purpose of writing these statements down is to purge the negative
vibes and doubts from your mind. If you are unable to accept the outcome
as fact your subconscious mind is going to conjure a different outcome,
and it is going to be this outcome that your mind and body focuses on;
therefore, this outcome is going to be the one that will become your reality
and you will walk away absolutely certain that the law of attraction is one
hundred percent false.

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