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Monday, 25 July 2011

Lesson 4 "Your 3rd And Final Key To Mind Power"

We have an important lesson for you now because we want to introduce you to your 3rd and final KEY, and that key is your power of Will...
And Why Is Your Will Power So Important?
You improve or even lower your condition in life by what you will to do...
And your will has a very strong connection with all avenues of knowledge, all activities, and all your accomplishments.
It’s not enough to just, “know what you want” and “want it hard enough”
You must also be “determined to get it” and call into action the persistent determination of your will power...
A great definition of the Will, as Frank Haddock so wonderfully put it, is:
The will is your power of self direction - but first you must decide how and for what purposes this power shall be trained.
Your Will Power Is Actually A Living Force...
But we know it only through its cause and effects.
It’s as much an active force of nature as is Electricity, Solar Energy, Gravitation or any other form of Natural force.
Your desire and will power manifest together, first you have the desire to do something, and then comes the will to do it... 
Nothing is impossible to the person who can use their will power, providing they can will strong enough.
It’s a power you can develop, control and direct, and to the extent you direct it do you determine your future.
Your power to will (just like the rest of your mind powers) depends so very much upon your power of belief...
So it may be said that all action depends upon your power to believe and also the belief you have in your own ability.
You Cannot Possibly Will Unless You Believe You Have A Will!
One thing we should not do is to confused will power with stubbornness – the person with a strong will knows when to withdraw from their position as well as when to go forward.
They never let their desires and goals stand still...
You simply have to...
- “Know Just What You Want”
- “Want It Hard Enough”
- And “Be Determined To Get It”

Then you will make a way if you cannot find one - remember where there’s a strong and dedicated will, there’s always a way...
When will is self developed, self mastered and self directed, it only needs proper application to become practically all powerful.
The problem is no one ever really devotes their time and attention to the development of the will.
And since there are no schools and colleges teaching the power of will, most of us have never been taught how to use this wonderful gift.
The Will To Do” is the greatest power in the world that is concerned with human accomplishment and no one can in advance determine its limits.
When you learn how to use your power of will it becomes a mighty force of nature. Almost everything can be accomplished through the proper use of your will power...
It is greater than physical force because it can be used to control not only physical but also mental and moral forces as well.
No one has greater control over will power then anyone else; there is plenty for us all.
What we speak of as will power is simply the gathering together of mental energy and also the concentration of that energy and power at one desired point...
The truth is our life is moulded to a great extent - by the use we make of our Will Power.

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