A concentrated mind can attract desired opportunities for success, which the less focused mind may never even see...
Yes, it’s concentration that can awaken your powers and channel them, dissolving any obstacles in your path and literally attracting opportunities, people, insights, and inspirations in many ways.
Some Obvious And Others Not So Obvious...
The concentrated mind succeeds not only because of its power to solve problems with a greater ease and acceleration.
But also because problems have a way of somehow vanishing before the minds focused energies.
Often Without Even Needing To Be Solved...
It’s easy for any one to say, "Concentrate" but we need to know exactly how to concentrate.
Remembering that to concentrate the attention is merely the act of applying the entire body and mind, to the task or action in hand.
To concentrate is first, to use one's ability to release your mental and emotional energies from all other interests and involvements.
And second, an ability to focus and direct that mental power or effort towards a single activity, action, subject or problem...
Concentration may be defined as being that state of mind in which the entire energies of the individual, physical as well as mental, are focused upon the thing they are doing or thinking.
All actions and all thoughts not connected with what they are doing or thinking are kept out of the mind.
Sometimes even the slightest wandering of the mind from the work in hand is absolutely destructive of success.
The problem with concentration is, the more we think or worry about concentration, the less we actually concentrate on the task at hand.
That's why a lot of strategies to improve concentration usually approach it indirectly, by focusing on the elimination of distractions etc.
And a thoughtful analysis of what distracts your concentration will often indicate to you the most effective course of action for improving it.
Never allow yourself to overlook the fact that whatever action you are engaged in, it doesn’t matter how big or small this action may be - the act of concentration and attention is also involved.
Concentration Can Be Developed Through All Kinds Of Activities...
And the ease and perfection of any activity can be gained by repetition. When the mind is peaceful and clear, you naturally address issues one at a time.
It’s also equally true to say that, if you limit yourself to doing or only thinking about one thing at a time - you will find that the mind, in turn - gradually develops clarity and with this increased concentration and will power.
To develop the power of concentration we must practice the shutting out of all distracting thoughts and impressions from our minds.
The most important part is to focus positively on one-thing-at-a-time and to avoid thinking of other things that may distract or divert you.
The concentration of all your attention is an important part towards the development and also the improvement of your mind powers.
When all the forces are focused on a single object or state of awareness...
The person who can do this has concentration, has the power of attention, and the person who hasn’t yet developed this concentration power must acquire it before they can hope to focus their powers of the mind toward anything they want or desire.
As William Mathews said,
So as you can see, the concentration and focus of all your attention is not only an important part of your mind power...
It's a big part of it, as nothing great or significant can be accomplish without your power of concentration! “The first law of success is concentration, to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor to the left”
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