In addition, every consciousness center has a certain ethical quality. Thus, these
consciousness centers are called, from bottom to top: order, will, wisdom,
earnestness, patience, love and mercy. These are the seven basic powers of divine
life, whereby each power is in turn contained in all others
Man’s spiritual tree of life, whose root is on top, looks as follows, seen from
bottom to top:
The consciousness center of order is situated above the collective basin in the
region of the coccyx. The second spiritual center, the divine will, is situated in the
region of the sacrum. In the lumbar region is the third consciousness center,
wisdom. The center of earnestness is located between the shoulder blades near the
heart. The fifth center, patience, comes next in the region of the neck. The sixth
and the seventh consciousness centers are in our head. The sixth is between the
eyes; it is the center of divine love. The seventh center, mercy, is above it, in the
back of the head, near the pituitary gland. This center is the root, the anchorage of
the tree of life and is also called the "gate to the absoluteness".
The consciousness centers are pulsating and rotating structures, light-filled energy
centers in our spiritual body. Among them, the fourth consciousness center
(earnestness) and also the sixth consciousness center (love) radiate in a
particularly intensive way.
In the fourth center, a special power is active — it is the Christ-power, the
so-called Redeemer-spark, which went into each soul nearly 2000 years ago when
Jesus of Nazareth spoke His "It is finished" at Golgotha. The Christ-light is an
additional, supportive, redeeming and healing power within us. Because this
Christ-Spirit is active mainly in the fourth consciousness center, it is also called
the Christ-center.
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